The Ukrainian War Veterans Association of Canada held its Annual General Meeting Friday February 7th. 2020 at the UNF Toronto West hall. President...
UNF Montreal Wine and Cheese
On February 22, two young directors of UNF Montréal, Artem Luhovy and Nadia Demko, hosted a Wine and Cheese event for UNF Montreal members and for...
UNF Montreal Spilna Kutia Event
UNF Montreal held their Spilna Kutia event on Sunday, February 2nd at the UNF Hall. Guests were treated to some delicious food as well as a number...
UNF Toronto Malanka
On January 25, 2020, UNF Toronto hosted a successful Malanka at the Trident Hall - home base of UNF Toronto. Over 280 people attended. Many happy...
UNF Ottawa-Gatineau Branch 2020 Annual General Meeting
On January 23, 2020 the Ottawa-Gatineau branch of the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNF O-G) held its tenth Annual General Meeting (AGM)....
УНО Торонто-Захід Коляда
Україна колядує! Колядує вся земля! В небі ангели співають, Прославляємо Христа! 11 січня 2020р. учні і вчителі Рідної школи Філії УНО Торонто-Захід...
Toronto UNF Branch Carolling
A troupe of коядники from the UNF Toronto Branch visited the homes of Ukrainians on January 7th. Their wonderful version of Бог Предвічний along...
UNF Regina Ridna Shkola Carolling
UNF Regina Ridna Shkola students went carolling on December 25th and January 7th. Thank you to everyone who supported such a wonderful tradition.
UNF Windsor Sviaty Mykolai Event
The UNF Windsor Branch held their Sviaty Mykolai event on December 15th at the UNF hall. An enjoyable recital of poems was capped off by a visit...
UNF Regina Ridna Shkola St. Nicholas Concert
The UNF Regina Ridna Shkola held their St. Nicholas concert on December 14th. The event included Christmas bread making and students crafted...
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