OUNYF (MYHO) members celebrated Vyshyvanka day by wearing their favorite Ukrainian embroidered shirts on May 21st and taking pictures. It is so nice...
Sudbury UNF Vyshyvanka Day
The Sudbury UNF Branch got into the Spirit of Vyshyvanka Day on May 21. Over 40 people took photos of friends and family in traditional Ukrainian...
COVID-19 vaccine could be available within 18 months, doctors tell UNF webinar
Marco Levytsky, NP-UN National Affairs Editor. An effective COVID-19 vaccine could be available within 18 months, say two doctors who addressed a...
Keeping our community safe and healthy during COVID-19 pandemic
On April 29th, 2020, UNF Ottawa-Gatineau held their second successful virtual presentation with two experts involved in healthcare and infectious...
Рідна Школа При Філії УНО Торонто-Захід Перемістилася У Віртуальний Простір
Наші учні і вчителі "ідуть" на уроки, увімкнувши комп'ютери. Вчителі Курсів для себе обрали веб-сервіс "Google classroom". Початкова школа...
Spirituality of Gulag Prisoners
UNF Ottawa-Gatineau held another fascinating webinar entitled "Spirituality of Gulag Prisoners" with Myroslav Marynovych on April 25th. A repot of...
Річні збори філії УНО в Гамільтоні
Л. Тиховська, Гамільтон. Щорічно і безпереривно, починаючи з засновання Філії УНО в Гамільтоні 1935 року, відбуваються Річні збори з підсумками...
UNF Hamilton 2020 AGM
The Hamilton branch of the Ukrainian National Federation held its 2020 Annual General Meeting in March. The meeting outlinied work completed during...
UNF Regina Board of Directors Meeting
On March 12, the UNF Regina board of directors held their monthly meeting (before social distancing).
UNF Ottawa-Gatineau Film Screening
On February 24, 2020, UNF Ottawa-Gatineau branch, together with the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada, hosted a film screening of “Taras. Homecoming”....
Join the efforts of the Ukrainian National Federation