On Thursday May 30th 2019, the Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada-Toronto Branch hosted a Paint Night & Social. Proceeds from this event will be sent to the National UWOC Gold Cross Fund and in turn will be directed to the Canada Ukraine Foundation’s humanitarian Mobile Dental Clinic in Ukraine. The team of dentists, hygienists and technicians from Ukraine have volunteered their time to visit orphanages and help fix children’s teeth. We know how important dental care is to good health and our national UWOC executive along with our affiliate sister branches have agreed to wholeheartedly support this important cause.
UWOC-Toronto will be donating $1,500 from this event. Which could not have happened without the generous financial support of the Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd and the Ukrainian National Federation Foundation. As well as the support-in-kind from UNF-Toronto Branch and Trident Banquet Hall. A big thank you also goes out to those who made individual donations.
As you can see from the pictures, 42 masterpieces, under the guidance of Olivia Wallace (www.livartviews.com) are finding their way to a new wall. If you think only members can join in and have fun, you are wrong. More than 79% were not members of either UNF or UWOC! So, if you like what you see, hear or read about us, ‘like us’ on Facebook, we post information there on all of our upcoming events.